Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tolmie State Park

Last Saturday we decided to have a little picnic on the Puget Sound. We knew there was a chance of showers, and true to the Koning Rule, those showers found us. Abee says calmly, 'Uh, I don't care about my wet hair, and don't even really mind my hot dog bun getting soggy, but this mustard on my lip is really starting to annoy me.'
Michelle, is there some news you'd like to fill us in on?
The rain soon let up, we packed up the soggy Lays, and went down to check out the water.
Abigail says, 'Dad, do you actually know what you're doing here? That fall looks like it could hurt.'
Melis & I keeping up our little tradition on bridges.
'Mom is a lot more fun to ride on - she has plenty of hair to pull.'
Just a few more Abigail pics on the footbridge.

The poor girl has had a rough last few days. She just got two new teeth on the top, and has two more that look like they could come through any day now. It's amazing how much we love that little gal.

1 comment:

Malissa Eekhoff said...

Love these pics Brian.