Three months ago, when Melis & I ran the Valentine's Day 1/2 Marathon together, I had made up my mind that I was done with long-distance races for the year. Well, in a wild turn of events, I decided 3 days ago that I'd go ahead and run this year's Capital City 1/2M again. I play basketball once in a while, and a few times a month I'll put in an hour or so of cardio at the gym, but I haven't been training like I should for 13.1 miles. But I was kicking around the idea of running 8-10 miles to prep my heart for the 4 miles of XC skiing I plan to do in the Ski to Sea race next weekend. If I was willing to do that distance, I may as well put in a few extra miles and get a nice shirt out of it (I got the shirt for Melis, by the way ;-) I thought I'd have a nice run with Michelle (who wanted to finish in 2:30), and David & Jeremy, who both wanted to finish between 2:10 & 2:20. I had strict orders from Melis (in light of my last Capital City 1/2M) not to come anywhere close to killing myself ;-). Little did I know what speedsters I was running with. It was a very enjoyable run, but truth be told, I couldn't keep up. Michelle & Jeremy both finished in 2:04, and I came in at 2:06. David came in a few minutes after that. Oh ya. . .Kelly smoked us all with 1:44. Well done, Kelly!

I started cramping around mile 10, but after sucking down a couple waters at the last aid station, I felt pretty good. Until the end. Thanks Michelle & Jacob for helping me untie those knots in my legs!

On Mother's Day last week, we took out some of the scraggly bushes in the back corner of our backyard, and planted a dogwood!

A couple weeks ago Abee had her first dentist appointment. She had a great time there, and had an even better time with the 'ba-oon' they gave her as a parting gift. 

Oh WOW! Good job Brian! I am impressed!
Way to go Brian! And our Abee is getting so big, saying big words. I like your choise of trees too!
G & G K
Congrats on the race! That's the way to get back on the horse and so it who's boss, eh? Please tell Kelly congrats for improving her time from last year (? I think).
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