Thursday, March 26, 2009

Visit from G&G K with Grams Great!

It sure was fun to have G&G K & Great Grams up for a long weekend recently. It was a nice, relaxing time with a lot of hanging out, numerous games, and a couple hours spent each day in a park or on a short nature trail. On Saturday, we went to the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge.

Geese are right up there with my most hated animal on the planet. Canada Geese are slightly more tolerable, and Melis was glad that I didn't get the chance to pick a fight with any of them ;-)
Chillin' in the afternoon sun.
Abigail had no fear when it came to these big birds. She walked right out towards them, and they didn't really seem to mind the little 'critter' coming at them.
Grams' 80th bday is coming up next month, so we thought we'd celebrate early. Happy Birthday Grams (or Great Grams, depending on your perspective)! On Sunday night, we spent some time at the kitchen table getting a family history lesson of the generations in the Koning & VanderStelt family long before we got here. Thanks Grams!
Gramps/Dad was pretty excited about the cartoons Abee was watching.

Today Abigail got her first haircut. I've been lobbying for this for a few months now, but Melis is afraid her curls won't come back once they're cut. Abee looks a little nervous herself.

Tonight I was putting a little thought into a possible weekend hike. Hopefully I can impart a love for maps & exploration to my daughter. She pointed to the South Fork of the Skokomish. It might just be the perfect hike for Saturday!

Comedy quote of the day (Melis saying to Matty Sioux): 'You may die someday of rotten teeth, but you won't die from lack of love.'


WAKonings said...

What were you doing evesdropping on my conversation with Matty?!

Anonymous said...

I like her haircut!
G & G K

Ashley said...

Cute haircut, and that quote made me laugh, I can picture it! :)

Karen said...

I was just admiring how long her hair was getting. Very cute hair cut too. My mom is still fearful to this day that if I cut my hair too short the curls will disappear. :0

A. Bootie said...

And now I've found you guys too. Good to hear from you. I just checked the comments on my blog tonight. As you asked, I've been in Nicaragua for 5 years now. Are you still teaching?

Ashley said...

thanks :) nope, not me, my sister katie