Just a few pics from the past couple of days. . .
'Awww, come on, mom & dad. Don't squish my face!'
Our Tuesday Night Bible Study showing our true colors. Earlier we went to a nursing home to sing Christmas carols to the residents. Our Santa Baby warmed the hearts of all who were there. We were so proud of her as she waved to the elderly people living there, even going up to a few and touching their hands. Abigail also enjoyed singing songs with us, especially when it came to 'fa la la la la, la la la la.' Then we came home to make english muffin pizza. Tasty.
'Uh. . .guys. . .what's up with all that white stuff out there?'
Yeah for snow!!!
Abigail tolerated her time spent outside, but Matanuska (aptly named after this glacier) would have loved to have spent all day playing with us in it..JPG)
My two snow angels..JPG)
In other news, it appears we have coons under our deck. Any coon huntin' ideas other than a late night stakeout?
Abbie's Santa Baby outfit is adorable. She is growing so well and I am sure she is a ton of fun right now. Hopefully she is past the age of eating her dresses. :)
Oops...Abee notAbbie...my bad :0
What a cute family! And a crazy Bible study group:) It looks like a fun group!
Such fun pics you guys! Hope you're well! Abee is getting so big! Kevin said fly bate and Coca-Cola...not the safest around a dog or child though! I'll let you know if he thinks of something a little safer!
aww, looks like you guys are having fun! I love that picture of Matty in the snow. Golden retrievers are the best!
Hi this is mom, what a lot of snow!! My favorite pic is the one of Abee and Matty looking out the window. Adorable
Great to hear from you Melissa! Abbie is adorable. :) If Carter would have been a girl his name would have been Abigail! What's up in WA these days? Lisa
hi guys!
-michelle ;-)
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