Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pumpkins & Leaves
Monday, October 20, 2008
Lattin's Cider Mill
We have a park a couple of blocks away that we often go to on a whim (like we did tonight). We're often the only ones there. It has plenty of grass for Matty to romp around in, and Abee loves the tennis courts and the play area. Here you get a flash of Matanuska fur in the foreground. Hmmm. . .what mischief can I get into?
Speaking of mischief, she's quickly learning what no means. When she gets told 'no,' she'll shake her head no, leave what she doing (usually), and get a big smile on her face. I'm not sure if the smile is from her being proud of herself for understanding what we're saying to her, or if she's just being a stinker. I'm afraid it's probably the latter.
Yup, she does love her books.
And she gets quite a kick out of playing peak-a-boo.
On a not-so-happy note, we found out two weeks ago that our pellet stove has a hole in the exhaust pipe, and the repair man recommended not using it. We were hoping to replace that anyway in the next couple of years. If that wasn't enough, our gas furnace stopped working a few days ago. So after a few failed attempts to fix the furnace (my best guess what that the flux capacitor wasn't getting the 1.21 gigawatts that it needed), I turned my attention to the pellet stove. There's something motivating about waking up to a house that's 57 degrees, and no way to warm it up! The good news is, I spent $12 on materials to patch the exhaust pipe behind the pellet stove, and that's up and working. The bad news is that my fears about the the furnace came true. That's going to be a $600 fix. Ouch. Maybe I can talk Melis into using only the pellet stove for heat this winter ;-)